What is the Liberty Partnerships Program?


Funded by the New York State Education Department, The Liberty Partnerships Program (LPP) at Onondaga Community College offers a variety of support (academic tutoring, career/workforce readiness, mentoring, college prep and social/emotional support) to fit the needs of students in grades 7-12. Our goal is to ensure our students complete all the necessary requirements to eventually graduate from high school with a plan for life’s next steps.

Here at OCC, our LPP program focuses on helping local students in the greater Syracuse area, and accepts students from the following schools:

High Schools

Middle Schools

Why you should join

If you are a student at any of our participating schools, we highly recommend you meet with your school counselor to discuss applying to join our program. Here are some reasons why:

  • We offer free tutoring, homework assistance, and individualized learning plans to help you get better grades.
  • We also help you plan for college and beyond, with things like resume development, interview workshops, summer employment, and internships placements. 
  • You'll be eligible for scholarships to OCC after you graduate high school.


How to join

We've made applying to LPP easier than ever! Fill out this application with the help of your parent or guardian and submit it. We'll review your application and get in contact with you. 

Apply Now


Questions about the LPP program or how to join? Contact Dr. Joshua A. Martin at martijo@sunyocc.edu or (315) 498-2887.

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