On Campus
Amira Busuladzic

The challenging life Amira Busuladzic grew up in helped determine her career path. "There was a lot of domestic violence. I knew I needed to be someone for a child who needs that support and guidance. I knew Human Services (degree program) was something I needed to do."

After graduating from New York Mills High School in 2020, Busuladzic moved in with her father in southern Onondaga County and became an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) with the Tully Fire Department. She was also working part-time when she decided to take a couple of classes at Onondaga Community College.  She had struggled in high school but found she felt at home in a college environment. She started doing well and built upon her success. "I think what made me a good student here is I was able to choose my own classes and start part-time so I could go at my own pace and really find what works for me."

With a good first semester behind her, she became a full-time student. In the fall of 2022 she was inducted into the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society. After three semesters, she chose the Human Services degree program. "I'm a first responder and I love helping people."

Busuladzic recently learned she was named one of OCC's three PTK All-State students. She'll be recognized at a ceremony in Albany later this month. "It's exciting. I've never been a part of something like this. But I'm excited for all of the new experiences this is going to give me. To come here and excel really put a different perspective on things and told me I could actually do this."

One year from now Busuladzic will complete work toward her degree and be one step closer to her career goal. "I know I want to work with children and be a support system for kids I never had. I want to make sure they're going to be safe and get their needs met."

Onondaga Community College