On Campus
OCC's contingent at the PTK All-State ceremony include (left to right) Faculty Advisor Dr. Annie Tuttle, Angela Adams, Iannelis Castro Calderon, and Katie Sullivan.
OCC's contingent at the PTK All-State ceremony include (left to right) Faculty Advisor Dr. Annie Tuttle with All-State students Angela Adams, Iannelis Castro Calderon, and Katie Sullivan.

Students and administrators from nearly two dozen community colleges came to Onondaga Community College for the annual Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) All-State ceremony. The event was held April 13 in the SRC Arena.

OCC President Dr. Casey Crabill served as master of ceremonies. She was joined on stage throughout the event by Guttman Community College President Dr. Larry Johnson. The OCC Singers, under the direction of Dr. David Rudari, DMA, performed the National Anthem and the PTK song. And OCC student Katie Sullivan led attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance.

A total of 93 students were recognized with PTK All-State Awards for their distinguished academic achievements and leadership accomplishments. PTK is the international honor society of all community colleges. Three OCC students were among those called up on stage to receive their PTK All-State medals and certificates:

Iannelis Castro Calderon

  • Cicero-North Syracuse High School, class of 2020.
  • Will earn her Human Services degree in May.
  • Member of OCC's Phi Theta Kappa honor society, and an officer and member of its Leadership Team.
  • Plans to transfer to a four-year college and pursue a degree and career in Social Work.


Katie Sullivan

  • Jamesville-Dewitt High School, class of 2020.
  • Will earn her Humanities & Social Sciences degree in May.
  • Attended OCC tuition-free as a member of the Lillian Slutzker Honors College.
  • Plans to transfer to a four-year school and pursue a degree in Communications with a minor in Cultural Studies or Anthropology.


Angela Adams

  • 51-year-old mother of two.
  • Will earn her Alcohol & Substance Abuse degree in May.
  • Proud to be sober and clean for more than two years.
  • Plans to go directly into the workforce and help those trying to overcome addiction.


Congratulations to all of the honorees!

Onondaga Community College
Phi Theta Kappa