Student Spotlight
Nando Guzman came to OCC from Jordan-Elbridge High School. He is  is President of Student Government and an Engineering Science major.
Nando Guzman came to OCC from Jordan-Elbridge High School. He is is President of Student Government and an Engineering Science major.

Onondaga Community College turned out to be a great place for Fernando "Nando" Guzman to figure out what career he wanted to pursue. Guzman graduated from Jordan-Elbridge High School in 2023, and enrolled at OCC that fall. He started in Nursing, switched to Mathematics & Science and discovered he enjoyed math. That led him to an Engineering elective which he also liked. "I learned about Biomedical Engineering and how you could make pacemakers, prosthetic limbs, and things like that. I realized I could make medical equipment to help doctors and patients." Guzman's journey through multiple academic programs led him to the Engineering Science program which he is enrolled in this year. "It was a little bit of trial and error, but it worked."

While he was finding his way academically, Guzman became an officer in InterVarsity, a Christian club on campus. He also worked at Micron Chip Camp, helping students interested in STEM-related careers.

This year Guzman has a new challenge. He's President of Student Government. He decided to run for office on the advice of his sister, Allison Guzman-Martinez '19, who was OCC's Student Trustee five years ago. "She said it would be good for me. One of the things I feel strongly about is students in our residence halls who aren't necessarily from Syracuse and don't have cars. I want to create a program where students can get rides to grocery stores or fun nights in Syracuse. I want to make OCC a place that is welcoming in general."

Interested in becoming part of Student Government or a club or organization? Visit the Student Government office on the first floor of the Gordon Student Center next to the Lazer Lounge. Representatives can also be reached by phone at 315-498-2629 or by email at

Onondaga Community College
Jordan-Elbridge High School