D15: Health Services for Minors on Campus

Responsibility for Maintenance: Campus Safety and Security

Date of most recent changes: June 15, 2020

I. Policy Statement

Onondaga Community College frequently hosts programs or offers classes in which minors participate. This policy establishes College-wide guidelines for various health issues related to minors.

II. Reason for Policy

This policy is intended to promote the safety and health of minors participating in college activities.

III. Applicability of the Policy

All members of the College community should be familiar with the policy.

IV. Related Documents

  • New York State Public Health Law Sections 2165 and 2167

V. Contacts

SubjectOffice NameTitle or PositionTelephone NumberEmail/URL

Forms and inquiries;

Filling emergency report

Campus Safety and SecurityDirector, Campus Safety and Security(315) 498-2478j.h.peckins@sunyocc.edu

VI. Definitions






Children enrolled in the Children’s Learning Center; Children enrolled in sport camps, College for Kids, non-credit Lifelong Learning classes, and summer school programs; Students enrolled in credit bearing classes who are under 18 years of age; 


Any student who has been determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to be free from the oversight and control of his or her parent(s) or guardian(s).

VII. Procedures

Emergency Contact and Treatment Permission Form

All unaccompanied children participating in a college sponsored or sanctioned program and students who are less than eighteen (18) years of age and who are not emancipated must have a completed health disclosure and emergency treatment form on file and accessible with the sponsoring or host office or program during the period that the child/student is participating in the program.  

Medication Administration

  1. All minors are encouraged to take medication at home prior to coming to campus or after leaving campus. If however, the minor must take medication while on campus, the minor should carry only the necessary required dose and notify the program manager.
  2. Any dispensing of medication must follow the approved guidelines of individual programs.  These guidelines will be consistent with all applicable federal and state law.
  3. No over-the-counter medications will be dispensed to anyone less than 18 years of age without the written approval of a physician.
  4. Under no circumstances is a minor to share medication with anyone.
  5. All minors who enroll for 6 credit hours or more must be compliant with New York State Public Health Law §§ 2165 and 2167 requiring proof of immunity to measles, mumps, rubella, and information and recommendations for meningococcal meningitis immunization.     

Emergency Care

  1. If a minor sustains an injury on campus that requires an assessment by emergency medical personnel, then Campus Safety and Security must be notified and a report detailing the nature of the accident shall be completed.
  2. An adult representative of the College must remain with the minor until relieved by a parent or guardian.
  3. The parent or guardian indicated on the health disclosure and emergency treatment form on file with the program must be notified of any injury to a minor.  

Programs that support minors are expected to have a protocol for responding to accidental injuries that follow accepted best practices and are consistent with the expectations of all applicable state and federal law.

Illness Documentation

Campus Safety and Security will maintain and publish a list of communicable diseases that must be reported to the County Health Department.  Any minor known or suspected of being ill with a communicable disease that appears on that list must be reported to Campus Safety and Security as soon as is practical.

Programs that support minors are expected to develop, adopt, and practice illness protocols that are consistent with good practice and all applicable state and federal law.


The College will abide by state and federal law and college policy with respect to the confidentiality of health care information of minors.


The Southwest Area YMCA conducts its operations consistent with its established policies and procedures, and consistent with federal, state and local law.

Approved by OCC Board of Trustees April 3, 2006

Updated and approved by the President January 28, 2010

Updated and approved by the President June 19, 2015  

Updated and approved by the President June 15, 2020