D7: Mandatory Reporting and Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse

Responsibility for Policy: Campus Safety and Security

I. Policy Statement  

Onondaga Community College requires all members of the College community to report suspected incidents of child sexual abuse occurring on College owned, operated or controlled property, at College-sponsored events, and at any location where official College business is conducted. This requirement extends to students, College and affiliated organization employees, volunteers, and vendors or licensees participating in activities where children are present. All reports of suspected child sexual abuse are to be made promptly to Campus Safety and Security.

II. Reason for Policy  

This policy implements the SUNY Policy on Mandatory Reporting and Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse adopted December 17, 2012.

III. Applicability of the Policy  

All members of the College community, including College and affiliated organization employees, students, volunteers, and vendors and licensees participating in activities where children are present, are subject to this policy.

IV. Contacts  


Office Name

Title or Position

Telephone Number


Questions regarding this Policy

Reporting Crimes

Campus Safety and Security

Campus Safety and Security


(315) 498-2478

(315) 498-2311




V. Procedures  

Any College or affiliated organization employee, student, volunteer, and vendor or licensee participating in activities where children are present who witnesses or has reasonable cause to suspect any sexual abuse of a child occurring on College property, at a College-sponsored event, or at any location where College business is conducted is required to make a prompt report of such incident to Campus Safety and Security, except where the law specifically exempts that member of the College community from making such a report. Such report should contain all known information, including, but not limited to: the names of the victim and assailant, the location of the activity, the nature of the activity, and the current location of the victim and assailant, if known.

Upon receiving a report, Campus Safety and Security will notify the Abused Persons Unit of the Onondaga County Sheriff’s Office and work cooperatively with that agency and/or others with appropriate jurisdiction to investigate the allegations.

Substantiated incidents will be reported subsequent to investigation to the Commissioner of University Police at SUNY System Administration who shall report such incidents to the Chancellor for periodic reporting to the SUNY Board of Trustees.

Nothing in this policy should be understood to relieve or alter the responsibilities of Campus Safety and Security personnel or other Campus Safety and Security officials from the reporting requirements of other federal, state, and local laws, including but not limited to, the Jeanne Clery Student Right-To-Know and Campus Security Act.

Campus Safety and Security, in collaboration with Human Resources, will offer annual training to employees on the identification of such crimes and proper notification requirements. In addition, Campus Safety and Security shall, via general campus email, issue an annual reminder to the campus community of the process for reporting allegations of child sexual abuse on College-owned, operated, or controlled property, at College-sponsored events, and at any location where College business is conducted.

Vendors and licensees under contract with the College or its affiliated organizations to provide services that will include participation of children shall ensure that they have in place procedures for awareness training, implementation of applicable pre-employment screening requirements and reporting of child sexual abuse.

The College will not retaliate against any member of the College community who makes a report under this policy.

For purposes of this policy, the applicable definitions of child sexual abuse are those used in the NYS Penal Law in Articles 130 and 263 and Section 260.10, and “child” is defined as an individual under the age of 17.

Approved by the OCC Board of Trustees June 18, 2013