
How to Create a Strong Password

To help keep your computer and your information more secure, it’s important to use a strong password.   While this is a good practice for all of your computer accounts, it is especially important for your login to the network and to your PC.  

A strong password: 

  • is at least eight characters long.  
  • contains characters from each of the following three groups: 
    • Letters (uppercase and lowercase)
    • Numerals (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
    • Symbols (i.e., all characters not defined as letters or numerals:  ` ~ ! $ % ^ ( ) _  - = { } |, et al.)
      Note: Please avoid using any of the following special characters in your password as these symbols can cause difficulty when you log into Colleague or WebAccess. 
        • " double quotes
        • < less than
        • @ at sign
        • & ampersand
        • + plus    
  • has at least one symbol character in the second through sixth positions.  
  • is significantly different from prior passwords.  
  • does not contain your name or user name.  
  • is not a common word or name.