Lazer Success

Lazer Success is a user-friendly online platform designed to foster connections between students, professors, navigators, and campus resources. It features integrated communication and appointment scheduling tools, making it easier for everyone to stay connected. With options to send kudos, raise flags, and make referrals, faculty can provide direct and meaningful feedback to students, ensuring a supportive and responsive academic environment. Lazer Success is a comprehensive solution for enhancing student engagement and success. Use the menu to the left to learn more!

Sign in to Lazer Success



How it works

You'll click the sign in button up above, fill in your OCC credentials, then arrive at the main page. From there, users can do a few key things:

  • Set up your  profile
  • Search all of the different support services at OCC
  • Easily set up appointments with professors, advisors, and other support staff

If you don't know how to get started with some of these tasks, just navigate to the resource page for your role and watch some helpful tutorials.


Things to know

As you get started, here are a couple of things we thought you should know. You may get notified with a flag, kudos, or referral, here's what they mean:

  • Flag - a message that your professor sends to a student when there is a concern about  attendance or academic performance.
  • Kudo - a compliment or praise for something well done! It typically recognizes a great job or improvement.
  • Referral - lets the student know that they should go to a specific office on campus to get some help.  For example, if a student is struggling in a class, the professor might refer them to the Learning Center for some tutoring.


How do I get started?

The way you will use Lazer Success depends on the role that you have at the College. Select your role from the buttons below for guidance on how to use the tool based on you duties and responsibilities. 


Need help?

Got questions about the tool? Just send an email to or call (315) 498-2484.

If it's about log-in or technology issues, you can reach the Help Desk at, (315) 498-2999, or go to the Academic Computing Lab in C214.