Student Spotlight
Kasha Flagg

Kasha Flagg has found the support she needs to succeed in every corner of the Onondaga Community College campus. "The professors are really good and they work with you on a lot of things. They're always willing to help and guide me. And there are a lot of resources here for you to take advantage of. There has never been a moment where I've felt like I'm by myself."

Outside the classroom, Flagg has found support on the second floor of Coulter Hall where the Collegiate Science and Technology Entry Program (C-STEP) is headquartered. "If I need anything, whether it's school-related or life-related, they help me figure it out. No matter what it is, they're here for every milestone to help guide me through it."

Flagg has also benefitted from her participation in OnPoint for College, an organization which helps first generation college students navigate the admission and entrance process, and stay on track to succeed. Thanks to OnPoint, Flagg participated in a group visit inside Micron's chip-making facility in Manassas, Virginia in August. "It was amazing. I learned so much about what they do there. I'm not a 'science person' but I learned a lot I could teach students."

That affiliation with OnPoint for College also opened the door to two internship opportunities at the YWCA on Douglas Street in Syracuse. During the summer of 2022 she taught girls between the ages of 5 and 8. This past summer she worked with girls between the ages 9 and 12. "Although my goal has always been to teach pre-school, my time there showed me I can work with older age groups and I really love teaching."

Flagg is on track to complete her Early Education degree next May.

Onondaga Community College
OnPoint for College