Lazer Success for Students
Find and get help!
The Lazer Success platform can help us support you when you need it a few different ways.
- Quickly explore different support services and their offerings
- Get recommended to a specific support by your professor through a referral
- Easily schedule appointments with your navigator, your professor, the learning center and many more people and places on campus
- Ask for help - you don't have to wait for a problem to occur. You can "raise your hand" online and Lazer Success will automatically route your need to the right person on campus.
Good news, too!
The best part is when you have done something worth celebrating - including turning around a difficult situation - your instructors and others on your success team can use the platform to send you a Kudo. You'll be surprised how much a little positive news can brighten your day!
Get Started
Here are 2 video tutorials to help you get set up in Lazer Success. They focus on setting up your profile and learning how to navigate the platform to find the people and services you need.
Designed for you
There are other great features on Lazer Success that will help get you across the stage with a diploma in hand.
- Schedule time online to meet with an instructor, navigator, or other support areas like Financial Aid.
- Schedule time online to meet with an advisor, instructor, success coach, or any of the other people put in place to help you succeed.
- Get notifications and reminders the way you prefer on the device you prefer.
Please note that these videos refer to the platform as Starfish and not Lazer Success. It is the same operating system, so they function the same way.