Direct Support Professional Certificate

Supporting your community

Learn advocacy skills and how to assist others with this compassionate, human services-based program. 

You'll focus on directly assisting individuals and their families to work on their independence, enhance your client's skill development, and support community members as they navigate social service systems. The program will include courses to focus on strengthening your communication skills and working with special and diverse populations. 

Direct support professional assisting man
Program Type
Career Program,
1 Year

Free Tuition + NADSP national certification!

If you sign up for both OCC's DSP Certificate program and the DSP I & II Microcredentials, you'll qualify for grant funding from SUNY to cover tuition, fees, books, and supplies!  When you complete both microcredentials, your NADSP certificate will help you find DSP work anywhere in the country!

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Where you'll go

Students in this program will complete a 100-hour internship, preparing them to go directly to work as a direct support professional. Your title can include direct support worker/specialist/assistant/counselor, residential counselor, daily living specialist, relief staff,  developmental disabilities specialist, job coach, employment specialist, and more.  You can also continue your education towards a 2-year degree and beyond.   


Supporting you every step of the way!

Tap into a network of free support services that go far beyond the classroom.

Don't forget your financial aid!

You can save thousands by starting your education here — especially when you compare OCC with traditional 4-year colleges.  And that's not all!  Our Financial Aid specialists can help you navigate the process of getting free aid to help pay for your education.

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